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Our Victoria square plates measure 8 inches across. I think they are the perfect dinner plate (not too big) but also are great serving pieces.

The warm colors of the west. This pattern was inspired by trips to Montana and Wyoming. The warm, golden background is a mix of colors that look like buckskin and the floral edge has a vintage feel. The background is a rich, cobalt black.

Victoria Square Plate

  • These patterns are our most highly decorated and detailed pieces. The are hand thrown and molded. We then paint these with many coats of color. Each flower may have up to 50 paint strokes! They are works of love and are really special.

  • These pieces are all hand thrown and molded. They are then painted with many coats of color.  One flower may have up to 50 brush strokes. They are all really special pieces that are works of love. 

    The painting is inspired by old pottery from many cultures. They aren't copies but inspired by the genius of long gone potters.

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